Planning the BBQ Thanksgiving feast 2022. It is time to share the planning process we go through for what we plan to prepare for our feast. We plan to use the tip from Pitmaster Tyler on injecting our bird. We are going to try out the Butcher BBQ Bird Booster as an Injector. We also touch on how we make a soup from the turkey and ham bones.
The menu
- Smoked Jerked Turkey 13-15 lbs
- Smoked Cajun Turkey 13-15 lbs
- Honey Baked Bone-in Ham
- Smoked Salmon
- Mac and Cheese
- Candied Yam
- Stuffing
- Hashbrown Casserole
- Asparagus | Green beans | Brussel Sprouts
- Salad
- Fried Deviled Eggs
- Pumpkin Pie
- Blueberry Pie
We got a great tip to avoid injecting through the skin rather inject under the skin of the turkey.
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