S5 E12: Tips for using an OffSet BBQ Smoker with Kevin Wheeler

Meet our special guest, seasoned BBQ Pitmaster Kevin Wheeler, who’s been mastering the art of smoking on his 48-inch Lang reverse flow offset smoker for an impressive 14 years. Ahead of our first offset smoke on the Old Country Brazos, Chris and I sought Kevin’s expert advice to avoid any rookie mistakes.

Kevin’s journey began with an electric smoker, but he wisely opted for a well-insulated model early on. The transition to his new smoker revealed a delightful surprise – the smoke flavor was significantly enhanced, though not as overpowering as with his electric smoker.

One of the advantages Kevin discovered with his reverse flow smoker is the sizzle produced when rendered meat fat drips onto the baffle plate. While it might be subjective, many believe this sizzle contributes to the overall flavor and aroma of the smoked meats.

Kevin’s fire-starting technique involves using wood and allowing it to burn down to glowing white coals. Just before adding the food, he throws in a log to get the cooking process underway. Over time, he’s learned that hickory is his preferred wood choice as it produces a more manageable heat than oak. Another tip he shared is to break down large logs into smaller pieces, as each split typically lasts about an hour. Kevin’s ideal cooking temperature range is between 250°F and 275°F.

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  1. Use Tumble weed as a starter
  2. Get a moisture meter and shot for under 15%

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